Bien Venue au Journal Minembwe. Welcome to Minembwe Free Press. Minembwe Free Press est un journal au service de la communauté Banyamulenge en particulier et toute la communauté globale des internautes. Ce Journal en ligne est un espace d'expression, d'information, d'échange d'idées autour des enjeux actuels au sujet de notre peuple et notre territoire de Minembwe. Ce journal se veut interactif. Je vous invite tous a` faire vos contributions. A M. Fondateur et editeur en Chef
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011

Pour le peuple Banyamulenge, le principal événement politique de cette année a été l'integration des éléments de FRF (Gumino) ausein de l'armée nationale en Janvier 2011. Cet événement a simultanément eu lieu a meme temps que la conference de la reconciliation intra et inter-communautaire au Sud-Kivu. En suite, elle a rapidement été suivie par un calme relativement remarquable dans le territoire de Minembwe.
Une autre évément qui savere aussi important pour nous et toute la nation Congolaise est la tenue des éléctions legislative. Le Journal Minembwe, voudrait interpeller la communauté Banyamulenge ceux qui suivent:
1. Depot de votre candidature: Que les personnes intéressé par la politique provinciale et nationale en RDCongo se hate pour déposer leurs candidatures car la date limite est fixé pour le 4 Aout 2011. Selon le journal électronic digital congo, « La Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI) a fixé au 4 août 2011 la date de réception et de traitement des candidatures pour l’élection présidentielle et les législatives nationales, indique un communiqué remis à la presse par cette institution organisatrice des élections».
2. Eviter la confusion des électeurs: Que les candidats et candidates se parlent et trouvent des voies et moyens de travailler ensemble afin d'éviter l'erreur du RCD quand on avait 3 candidats qui ont tous perdus a cause de leur mauvaise strategie politique.
3. Implication dans l'administration électorale: Que la société civile Banyamulenge, surtout les habitants de Bukavu, s'implique dans l'administration relative aux éléctions. Par example, se faire inscrire dans la formation de chefs d'antennes de la commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI). Selon la press national « la CENI fait savoir qu’elle convoque tous les chefs d’antennes locales, les secrétaires comptables et les juristes vérificateurs à une formation prévue du 30 juillet au 1èr août 2011 dans les pools de formation».
4. Soutien aux candidat(es): Soutenir et encourager les candidat(e)s qui auront le courage de se poser leurs candidatures. Jusqu'a`présent, la seule personne qui a publiquement exprimer sa candidature c'est notre soeur Nyirakayange Ange. Cette femme courageuse est sans doute une candidate qui mérite notre soutien entant que peuple. Ca sera aussi un bon geste pour la promotion de genre (gender).
Il y a d'autres personnalités qui ont vraiment fait un impact assez considerable dans la communauté et qui ont démontrées leurs Zele, et détermination d'oeuvrer pour notre communauté malgré des multiples obstacles. Ici, je peux citer par example, Mr. Tharcis Kayira qui a crée l'Institut Madegu, le premier institut secondaire a` Minembwe, qui a ouvert l'opportunité pour des milliers des jeunes Banyamulenge inclus l'auteur de cet article. Il y a biensur beaucoup d'autres qui ont fait et continue de faire des grandes oeuvres a Minembwe, et qui peuvent bien représenter notre peuple au parlement tant provincial que national. Mais, on ne peut pas faire une autre erreur d'avoir plus de deux candidats, de peur qu'ils perdent tous.
Nous devons tous la soutenir d'une facon ou d'une autre.
Par conséquent, lors des prochaines élections législatives, nous entant que minorités seront probablement aussi représentées au parlement Congolais.
Ainsi, comme jusque la` on a seulement un seul candidate qui s'est deja prononcé,notre slogan doit etre celle-ci:
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Perezida Museveni kuri uyu wa Gatanu aratangira uruzinduko rw’iminsi ine mu Rwanda

Kuwa Gatanu tariki ya 29 Nyakanga, Perezida Paul Kagame azakira mugenzi we, Perezida Yoweri Museveni wa Uganda uzaba akorera uruzinduko rw’iminsi ine mu Rwanda aherekejwe n’abayobozi bo mu rwego rwo hejuru bo muri Uganda.
Minisitiri w’Ububanyi n’Amahanga n’Ubutwererane w’u Rwanda, Louise Mushikiwabo yavuze ko u Rwanda na Uganda bihuriye ku bintu byinshi.
Ati : "Uganda n’u Rwanda bihuriye kuri byinshi kandi bihuje n’amateka, harimo kuba bose bari mu Muryango uhuza ibihugu by’Afurika y’Iburasirazuba ndetse na Commonwealth ; kandi ubu turi kureba uburyo abaturage b’ibi bihugu bashobora gukomeza kubonera inyungu muri uyu mubano. Uruzinduko rwa Perezida Museveni rwuzuza ibyo byose.”
Itangazo ryavuye muri Minisiteri y’Ububanyi n’Amahanga y’u Rwanda rivuga ko uru ruzinduko ruzabanzirizwa n’inama y’iminsi ibiri ya Komisiyo ihuriweho n’ibihugu byombi izaba iyobowe na ba Minisitiri w’Ububanyi n’Amahanga b’ibihugu byombi, aribo Louise Mushikiwabo w’u Rwanda na Sam Kutesa wa Uganda.
Iyi nama izaba ihuje intumwa z’u Rwanda n’iza Uganda zigira uruhare mu ishyirwaho rya Politiki, aho bazungurana ibitekerezo ku inozwa ry’uburyo ibihugu byombi byabonera inyungu muri gahunda zihari. Bizashingira ku nama yahuje abagize iyi Komisiyo muri Werurwe 2010 i Kampala ; ibiganiro bizashingira ku bucuruzi, ubuhahirane ku mipaka, umutekano n’ikoranabuhanga mu isakazamubumenyi (ICT).
Ku munsi wa Mbere w’uruzinduko, Perezida Kagame na Museveni bazagirana inama na ba Minisitiri b’Ububanyi n’Amahanga mu rwego rwo kwemeza ibyavuye mu nama yahuje ibihugu byombi.
Kuwa Gatandatu Perezida Museveni azifatanya n’Abanyarwanda mu gikorwa cy’ umuganda ari kumwe na Perezida Kagame. Azasura ibice byagenewe gukorerwamo ubucuruzi, anagenderere umuryango w’Abaturage ba Uganda baba mu Rwanda.
Ku musozo w’uruzinduko, abakuru b’ibihugu byombi bazagirana ikiganiro n’abanyamakuru.
Nk’uko yari yabibatangarije kuwa Gatandatu w’icyumweru gishize ni uko Perezida Museveni byari biteganyijwe ko agirira uruzinduko mu Rwanda ; Museveni aheruka mu Rwanda muri Nyakanga 2009, ubwo yari yitabiriye umuhango wo kwizihiza isabukuru y’imyaka 15 u Rwanda rumaze rwibohoye, icyo gihe yanahawe imidari ibiri y’ishimwe ; umwe wari uwo kumushimira uruhare rwe mu rugamba rwo kubohora igihugu, undi uba uwo kumushimira uburyo yamaganye Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi muri Mata 1994.
Iyi nkuru Aimable Rwamucyo ngo ikeshwa MIGISHA Magnifique
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Une fois encore, un autre officier militaire Munyamulenge vient d'etre assassinat pardes éléments non-identifié pendant qu'il suivait la formation d'integration militaire au Sud-Kivu.
Nos condoléances à toute la famille du défunt Col.Tambwe Serukiza assassiné par les bandits pendant qu'il suivait la formation d'integration militaire de FARDC pres d'Uvira au Sud-Kivu.
Ces méthodes barbares sont à condamner avec toutes nos forces; un militaire qui avait joint la force nationale apres un accord d'integration n'est pas un ennemi, et même l'ennemi on ne le tue pas , on le met dans les mains de la justice si on est certain qu'il a commis des fautes qui méritent que la Justice s'en occupe.
Tuer les militaires Banyamulenge est malheureusement devenu culture en RDCongo. C'est justement l'introduction de cette culture ou agenda d'assassination progressif d'un militaire Munyamulenge apres l'autre ausein de la force Congolaise, qui a été à la base de la défection et désintegration passée de GUMINO qui craignait cette élimination systematiquement calculée des militaires Banyamulenge par leurs collegues Congolais.
Nous attendons de plus amples informations après vérification sur place de la cause exacte de l'assassinat du col.Serukiza, et nous metrons au courant le public Banyamulenge.
Entre temps, nous souhaitons aux militaires Banyamulenge de prendre courage et servir leur patrie sans peur malgré la haine systematisé envers eux. Dieu seul vous rendra justice un jour.
Tubabajwe nokumva inkuru mbi yincamugongo kandi nkiyi: Urupfu rwa Col. Serukiza! Pour moi, Serukiza était comme un petit frere. N'umwana wiwacu meme village, il fut mon éleve, et j'ai d'autres memoire ye yo ku Runundu. Ikibazo s'ugupfa kuko twese tuzapfa, ariko kwichwa kandi! Mubyukuri twakagombye kugira une organization chargée na inquete militaire y'abasirikare bacu. Kuko, birakabije guhora bicywa rubozo, bagatambuka inapercu nkaho hapfuye inkoko! Erega nibo mbaraga zacu n'igitinyiro cyacu. Abanyamulenge tugira culture mbi yoguheba vuba urupfu rw'umuntu quelque soit la cause. Ubu, nituva muma emotion bihita bishiriraho. It's one thing umusirikare gupfira muntambara, mais c'est tout a fait une autre kwicywa tout simplement surtout yishwe muburyo budasobanutse!
Ese ntimuzi ko umusirikare umaze kugera mumwanya wa Sous-Lietenant abamaze deja kugera mu rwego rw'umuyobozi ukomeye mugihungu, nkanswe ba Colonel nabandi bohejuru? Uyu munsi abanyamulenge bongeye gupfusha umuyobozi. C'est une perte pour tout un peuple et le pays en général. Njye ndumva twaridukwiye gusaba abasirikare bacu ko twafatikanya muguhana amakuru, bakazabatubwira inkuru nyayo ijanye n'imiberehon'imibanire yabo nabagenzi babo babanyamoko twese tuzi ko babanga.
Tugasa nabagira un correspondant militaire wokuza atubwira indo n'indo yibibazo bafite.
Nkubu twakagombye kumenya neza uko yapfuye, byabangombwa ko haba ubuvugizi abantu bakabukora. Ariko, nkuko muzi abasirikare ntabwo arabanye politique, kandi sina société civile, ibyabo harigihe biba limité bijanye namategeko abagenga. Ndumva twazatubafasha kubavugira ibyo batemerewe kuvuga.
Ikindi, nuko twakwirinda kugira ngo hatongera kuba umuzi wogutandukanya abasirikare bacu. Dore, ko akenshi hazahaba ibihuha bidafite za gihamya, bigatuma haba imindyane. Ubu, abasirikare bacu barahuye, bakomeza mumwuka wa reconciliation, n'ubumwe byatangiye kuntangiro z'uyumwaka. Nabonye arikintu kinini Imana yakoze. Dukomeze dufatikanye nabo mukubungabunga ubwo bumwe, nokwibagirwa ibibi byose byabaye mumyaka yashize hagati yaba membres bose, kuko byasabiwe imbabazi muburyo representatif a`la reunion de reconciliation de Bukavu. Ibyo bintu muze mubyibuka. Abantu bahagaze mucyuho cy' imitwe igize ubwoko bwacu, nk'aba religieux, politiciens, autorité coutumieres, militaire/police, société civile, ndetse n'imirara basabye imbabazi on their behalf, abantu bose barababarirana, tu enterrer(duhamba) le mauvais passé qui nous divisait.
Dukomeje kwihanganisha umuryango directe wa feu Col Serukiza, abagenzi be babasirikare, n'umuryango wabanyamulenge bose muri rusange. Imana Ibakomeze, kandi Ibahe ihumure.
Tubabajwe nokumva inkuru mbi yincamugongo kandi nkiyi: Urupfu rwa Col. Serukiza! Pour moi, Serukiza était comme un petit frere. N'umwana wiwacu meme village, il fut mon éleve, et j'ai d'autres memoire ye yo ku Runundu. Ikibazo s'ugupfa kuko twese tuzapfa, ariko kwichwa kandi! Mubyukuri twakagombye kugira une organization chargée na inquete militaire y'abasirikare bacu. Kuko, birakabije guhora bicywa rubozo, bagatambuka inapercu nkaho hapfuye inkoko! Erega nibo mbaraga zacu n'igitinyiro cyacu. Abanyamulenge tugira culture mbi yoguheba vuba urupfu rw'umuntu quelque soit la cause. Ubu, nituva muma emotion bihita bishiriraho. It's one thing umusirikare gupfira muntambara, mais c'est tout a fait une autre kwicywa tout simplement surtout yishwe muburyo budasobanutse!
Ese ntimuzi ko umusirikare umaze kugera mumwanya wa Sous-Lietenant abamaze deja kugera mu rwego rw'umuyobozi ukomeye mugihungu, nkanswe ba Colonel nabandi bohejuru? Uyu munsi abanyamulenge bongeye gupfusha umuyobozi. C'est une perte pour tout un peuple et le pays en général. Njye ndumva twaridukwiye gusaba abasirikare bacu ko twafatikanya muguhana amakuru, bakazabatubwira inkuru nyayo ijanye n'imiberehon'imibanire yabo nabagenzi babo babanyamoko twese tuzi ko babanga.
Tugasa nabagira un correspondant militaire wokuza atubwira indo n'indo yibibazo bafite.
Nkubu twakagombye kumenya neza uko yapfuye, byabangombwa ko haba ubuvugizi abantu bakabukora. Ariko, nkuko muzi abasirikare ntabwo arabanye politique, kandi sina société civile, ibyabo harigihe biba limité bijanye namategeko abagenga. Ndumva twazatubafasha kubavugira ibyo batemerewe kuvuga.
Ikindi, nuko twakwirinda kugira ngo hatongera kuba umuzi wogutandukanya abasirikare bacu. Dore, ko akenshi hazahaba ibihuha bidafite za gihamya, bigatuma haba imindyane. Ubu, abasirikare bacu barahuye, bakomeza mumwuka wa reconciliation, n'ubumwe byatangiye kuntangiro z'uyumwaka. Nabonye arikintu kinini Imana yakoze. Dukomeze dufatikanye nabo mukubungabunga ubwo bumwe, nokwibagirwa ibibi byose byabaye mumyaka yashize hagati yaba membres bose, kuko byasabiwe imbabazi muburyo representatif a`la reunion de reconciliation de Bukavu. Ibyo bintu muze mubyibuka. Abantu bahagaze mucyuho cy' imitwe igize ubwoko bwacu, nk'aba religieux, politiciens, autorité coutumieres, militaire/police, société civile, ndetse n'imirara basabye imbabazi on their behalf, abantu bose barababarirana, tu enterrer(duhamba) le mauvais passé qui nous divisait.
Dukomeje kwihanganisha umuryango directe wa feu Col Serukiza, abagenzi be babasirikare, n'umuryango wabanyamulenge bose muri rusange. Imana Ibakomeze, kandi Ibahe ihumure.
Nos condoléances à toute la famille du défunt Col.Tambwe Serukiza assassiné par les bandits pendant qu'il suivait la formation d'integration militaire de FARDC pres d'Uvira au Sud-Kivu.
Ces méthodes barbares sont à condamner avec toutes nos forces; un militaire qui avait joint la force nationale apres un accord d'integration n'est pas un ennemi, et même l'ennemi on ne le tue pas , on le met dans les mains de la justice si on est certain qu'il a commis des fautes qui méritent que la Justice s'en occupe.
Tuer les militaires Banyamulenge est malheureusement devenu culture en RDCongo. C'est justement l'introduction de cette culture ou agenda d'assassination progressif d'un militaire Munyamulenge apres l'autre ausein de la force Congolaise, qui a été à la base de la défection et désintegration passée de GUMINO qui craignait cette élimination systematiquement calculée des militaires Banyamulenge par leurs collegues Congolais.
Nous attendons de plus amples informations après vérification sur place de la cause exacte de l'assassinat du col.Serukiza, et nous metrons au courant le public Banyamulenge.
Entre temps, nous souhaitons aux militaires Banyamulenge de prendre courage et servir leur patrie sans peur malgré la haine systematisé envers eux. Dieu seul vous rendra justice un jour.
Tubabajwe nokumva inkuru mbi yincamugongo kandi nkiyi: Urupfu rwa Col. Serukiza! Pour moi, Serukiza était comme un petit frere. N'umwana wiwacu meme village, il fut mon éleve, et j'ai d'autres memoire ye yo ku Runundu. Ikibazo s'ugupfa kuko twese tuzapfa, ariko kwichwa kandi! Mubyukuri twakagombye kugira une organization chargée na inquete militaire y'abasirikare bacu. Kuko, birakabije guhora bicywa rubozo, bagatambuka inapercu nkaho hapfuye inkoko! Erega nibo mbaraga zacu n'igitinyiro cyacu. Abanyamulenge tugira culture mbi yoguheba vuba urupfu rw'umuntu quelque soit la cause. Ubu, nituva muma emotion bihita bishiriraho. It's one thing umusirikare gupfira muntambara, mais c'est tout a fait une autre kwicywa tout simplement surtout yishwe muburyo budasobanutse!
Ese ntimuzi ko umusirikare umaze kugera mumwanya wa Sous-Lietenant abamaze deja kugera mu rwego rw'umuyobozi ukomeye mugihungu, nkanswe ba Colonel nabandi bohejuru? Uyu munsi abanyamulenge bongeye gupfusha umuyobozi. C'est une perte pour tout un peuple et le pays en général. Njye ndumva twaridukwiye gusaba abasirikare bacu ko twafatikanya muguhana amakuru, bakazabatubwira inkuru nyayo ijanye n'imiberehon'imibanire yabo nabagenzi babo babanyamoko twese tuzi ko babanga.
Tugasa nabagira un correspondant militaire wokuza atubwira indo n'indo yibibazo bafite.
Nkubu twakagombye kumenya neza uko yapfuye, byabangombwa ko haba ubuvugizi abantu bakabukora. Ariko, nkuko muzi abasirikare ntabwo arabanye politique, kandi sina société civile, ibyabo harigihe biba limité bijanye namategeko abagenga. Ndumva twazatubafasha kubavugira ibyo batemerewe kuvuga.
Ikindi, nuko twakwirinda kugira ngo hatongera kuba umuzi wogutandukanya abasirikare bacu. Dore, ko akenshi hazahaba ibihuha bidafite za gihamya, bigatuma haba imindyane. Ubu, abasirikare bacu barahuye, bakomeza mumwuka wa reconciliation, n'ubumwe byatangiye kuntangiro z'uyumwaka. Nabonye arikintu kinini Imana yakoze. Dukomeze dufatikanye nabo mukubungabunga ubwo bumwe, nokwibagirwa ibibi byose byabaye mumyaka yashize hagati yaba membres bose, kuko byasabiwe imbabazi muburyo representatif a`la reunion de reconciliation de Bukavu. Ibyo bintu muze mubyibuka. Abantu bahagaze mucyuho cy' imitwe igize ubwoko bwacu, nk'aba religieux, politiciens, autorité coutumieres, militaire/police, société civile, ndetse n'imirara basabye imbabazi on their behalf, abantu bose barababarirana, tu enterrer(duhamba) le mauvais passé qui nous divisait.
Dukomeje kwihanganisha umuryango directe wa feu Col Serukiza, abagenzi be babasirikare, n'umuryango wabanyamulenge bose muri rusange. Imana Ibakomeze, kandi Ibahe ihumure.
Tubabajwe nokumva inkuru mbi yincamugongo kandi nkiyi: Urupfu rwa Col. Serukiza! Pour moi, Serukiza était comme un petit frere. N'umwana wiwacu meme village, il fut mon éleve, et j'ai d'autres memoire ye yo ku Runundu. Ikibazo s'ugupfa kuko twese tuzapfa, ariko kwichwa kandi! Mubyukuri twakagombye kugira une organization chargée na inquete militaire y'abasirikare bacu. Kuko, birakabije guhora bicywa rubozo, bagatambuka inapercu nkaho hapfuye inkoko! Erega nibo mbaraga zacu n'igitinyiro cyacu. Abanyamulenge tugira culture mbi yoguheba vuba urupfu rw'umuntu quelque soit la cause. Ubu, nituva muma emotion bihita bishiriraho. It's one thing umusirikare gupfira muntambara, mais c'est tout a fait une autre kwicywa tout simplement surtout yishwe muburyo budasobanutse!
Ese ntimuzi ko umusirikare umaze kugera mumwanya wa Sous-Lietenant abamaze deja kugera mu rwego rw'umuyobozi ukomeye mugihungu, nkanswe ba Colonel nabandi bohejuru? Uyu munsi abanyamulenge bongeye gupfusha umuyobozi. C'est une perte pour tout un peuple et le pays en général. Njye ndumva twaridukwiye gusaba abasirikare bacu ko twafatikanya muguhana amakuru, bakazabatubwira inkuru nyayo ijanye n'imiberehon'imibanire yabo nabagenzi babo babanyamoko twese tuzi ko babanga.
Tugasa nabagira un correspondant militaire wokuza atubwira indo n'indo yibibazo bafite.
Nkubu twakagombye kumenya neza uko yapfuye, byabangombwa ko haba ubuvugizi abantu bakabukora. Ariko, nkuko muzi abasirikare ntabwo arabanye politique, kandi sina société civile, ibyabo harigihe biba limité bijanye namategeko abagenga. Ndumva twazatubafasha kubavugira ibyo batemerewe kuvuga.
Ikindi, nuko twakwirinda kugira ngo hatongera kuba umuzi wogutandukanya abasirikare bacu. Dore, ko akenshi hazahaba ibihuha bidafite za gihamya, bigatuma haba imindyane. Ubu, abasirikare bacu barahuye, bakomeza mumwuka wa reconciliation, n'ubumwe byatangiye kuntangiro z'uyumwaka. Nabonye arikintu kinini Imana yakoze. Dukomeze dufatikanye nabo mukubungabunga ubwo bumwe, nokwibagirwa ibibi byose byabaye mumyaka yashize hagati yaba membres bose, kuko byasabiwe imbabazi muburyo representatif a`la reunion de reconciliation de Bukavu. Ibyo bintu muze mubyibuka. Abantu bahagaze mucyuho cy' imitwe igize ubwoko bwacu, nk'aba religieux, politiciens, autorité coutumieres, militaire/police, société civile, ndetse n'imirara basabye imbabazi on their behalf, abantu bose barababarirana, tu enterrer(duhamba) le mauvais passé qui nous divisait.
Dukomeje kwihanganisha umuryango directe wa feu Col Serukiza, abagenzi be babasirikare, n'umuryango wabanyamulenge bose muri rusange. Imana Ibakomeze, kandi Ibahe ihumure.
Friday, July 15, 2011
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Avant de se le faire voler, dès la réception de ce message par exemple tapez ceci sur votre téléphone :
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· Votre téléphone pourra alors être complètement bloqué, même si le voleur change la carte SIM.
Vous ne récupérerez probablement pas votre téléphone, mais vous êtes néanmoins assuré que le voleur ne pourra en aucun cas s'en servir... et vous n'aurez pas de facture mirobolante à payer !
Si cette info s'étend à tout le monde, les voleurs de téléphones portables n'auront plus qu'à se recycler, car le vol deviendra inutile...
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MANEKO Y'URWANDA YATSWE Dr Emmaneul Ndahiro IHABWA Major General Karenzi Karake
Kubakunze gukurikira politike yo mu Rwagasabo, reka tubagezeho impinduka mumyanya y'ubutegetsi, mu Rwanda. Nk’uko bigaragazwa n’itangazo rya Perezidansi ya Repubulika ryatangiye gukurikizwa rigisohoka, Perezida wa Repubulika, Paul Kagame akaba n’Umugaba w’Ikirenga w’Ingabo yashyize mu myanya abayobozi ba gisirikare mu nzego z’umutekano. Imyanya imwe n’imwe mu buyobozi bw’ingabo yahawe abayobozi bashya, abandi bahindurirwa imirimo. Muri iyi nyandiko muragezwaho amazina y’abahawe imyanya, ndetse niyo bari basanzwemo.
1. Major General Karenzi Karake yagizwe Umuyobozi w’Urwego Rushinzwe Umutekano w’igihugu (NSS – National Security Services).
Karenzi Karake yari asanzwe ayobora ishuri Rikuru rya Gisirikare ry’I Nyakinama
Uyu mwanya ahawe wari usanzwemo Colonel Dr Emmaneul Ndahiro
2. Brigadier General Richard Rutatina, yashinzwe Iperereza mu gisirikare (Head of J2 - Military Intelligence)
Richard Rutatina yari asanzwe ari umujyanama wa Perezida wa Repubulika mu bya gisirikare)
3. Colonel Dan Munyuza ashinzwe iperereza ryo hanze y’igihugu (Head of External Intelligence in NSS)
Dan Munyuza yari asanzwe akuriye Urwego rw’iperereza rwa Gisirikare (DMI – Departement of Military Intelligence)
Umwanya ahawe wari usanzwemo Lt Colonel Gatete Karuranga
4. Colonel Tom Byabagamba, Umuyobozi muri Minisiteri y’Ingabo ushinzwe kurwanya ibikorwa by’iterabwoba (Head of Counter Terrorism, in MoD/RDF)
Tom Byabagamba yari asanzwe akuriye umutwe w’ingabo zirinda Umukuru w’igihugu (Republican Guard Unit)
5. Captain Patrick Karuretwa, Umujyanama wa Perezida wa Repebulika mu by’umutekano (Defense and Security Advisor to H.E the President of the Republic of Rwanda)
Uyu mwanya ahawe wari usanzwemo Gen Brigade Richard Rutatina
6. Colonel Dr. Emmanuel Ndahiro na Lt. Col. Gatete Karuranga basubijwe muri Minisiteri y’ingabo.
Hejuru ku ifoto:Brig Gen Richard Rutatina na Maj Gen Karenzi Karake
1. Major General Karenzi Karake yagizwe Umuyobozi w’Urwego Rushinzwe Umutekano w’igihugu (NSS – National Security Services).
Karenzi Karake yari asanzwe ayobora ishuri Rikuru rya Gisirikare ry’I Nyakinama
Uyu mwanya ahawe wari usanzwemo Colonel Dr Emmaneul Ndahiro
2. Brigadier General Richard Rutatina, yashinzwe Iperereza mu gisirikare (Head of J2 - Military Intelligence)
Richard Rutatina yari asanzwe ari umujyanama wa Perezida wa Repubulika mu bya gisirikare)
3. Colonel Dan Munyuza ashinzwe iperereza ryo hanze y’igihugu (Head of External Intelligence in NSS)
Dan Munyuza yari asanzwe akuriye Urwego rw’iperereza rwa Gisirikare (DMI – Departement of Military Intelligence)
Umwanya ahawe wari usanzwemo Lt Colonel Gatete Karuranga
4. Colonel Tom Byabagamba, Umuyobozi muri Minisiteri y’Ingabo ushinzwe kurwanya ibikorwa by’iterabwoba (Head of Counter Terrorism, in MoD/RDF)
Tom Byabagamba yari asanzwe akuriye umutwe w’ingabo zirinda Umukuru w’igihugu (Republican Guard Unit)
5. Captain Patrick Karuretwa, Umujyanama wa Perezida wa Repebulika mu by’umutekano (Defense and Security Advisor to H.E the President of the Republic of Rwanda)
Uyu mwanya ahawe wari usanzwemo Gen Brigade Richard Rutatina
6. Colonel Dr. Emmanuel Ndahiro na Lt. Col. Gatete Karuranga basubijwe muri Minisiteri y’ingabo.
Hejuru ku ifoto:Brig Gen Richard Rutatina na Maj Gen Karenzi Karake
Friday, July 8, 2011

Ce Vendredi, le 08 Juillet,2011, un avion Boeing 727 transportant 112 personnes s'est écrasé à l'aéroport de Kisangani en République démocratique du Congo (RD Congo). Il ya eu au moins 53 survivants qui ont été trouvé jusqu'ici.
Environ 112 passagers et membres d'équipage étaient à bord lorsque le crash s'est produit.
Certaines sources affirme que l'avion Boeing 727 appartient a` la compagnie d'aviation dite Hewa Bora appartenant au président Kabila.
Des accidents d'avion de cet envirgule en RD Congo ne sont pas rares. En avril, un bimoteur de l'ONU de type jet de banlieue s'est écrasé alors qu'il tentait d'atterrir à Kinshasa, tuant 32 personnes. L'année dernière, un autre avion piloté par le chef Belge d'une compagnie aérienne locale a tué au moins 20 passagers à son accident dans l'ouest de la RD Congo.
Journal Minembwe

“Amakimbirane hagati ya Gen. Kabarebe na Gen. Kayonga” Ibivugwa mugutegura intambara kwa Gen Nyamwasa muri Congo, ubufatanye bwa Gen Nyamwasa, na FNL/Agatha, MaiMayi, nibindi.
Ibi byose bikubiye mukiganiro kirambuyeye Abanyamakuru ba Rushyashya bagiranye na Gen. Kabarebe ,ni nyuma yaho amakuru avugiwe ko Gen. Kabarebe James wabaye umugaba mukuru w,ingabo ,akaza kugirwa Minisitiri w,ingabo yaba afite ibibazo hagati ye na Perezida Kagame kuko ngo yaba ariwe waba waracikishije Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa ngo yanagiriye mukiriyo cy,umubyeyi we ngo mugihe abandi bayobozi bingabo bari babujijwe kujyayo. Bikaza byiyongera kubibazo byavugwaga ku mbuga za internet no mubinyamakuru ko Gen. Kabarebe yaba yarashatse guhunga igihugu muminsi ishize ngo kubera ko atumvikana n,umugaba mukuru w, ingabo Gen. Charles Kayonga, kukibazo kitoroka ry,Abasilikare basanga Kayumba icyo kibazo ngo kikaba aricyo cyatumye Perezida Kagame ku Gisenyi ahuza Gen. Kabarebe ngo washinjaga Gen. Kayonga kumusuzugura n,ibindi.....Ngaho isomere wumve kuburambuye ibyobiganiro, fyonda hano
PS.Icyitonderwa: Iyi nkuru iva mukiganiro Gen James Kabarebe yagiranye n'ikinyamakuru Rushyashya
Ntabwo arinkuru ya Journal Minembwe
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Lire cet article en Francais

Under the soon to be uncoverded Mulenge vision 2025, Mulenge will be erecting commercial and business buildings,in what will be the Minembwe city, sooner rather than later. Contrary to popular belief, Minembwe is on its way to be a dream city for business, and tourism. It is time to position yourself for the soon booming opportunities,first in the farming sector.
Mulenge is the first cow populated area in Southern Kivu (DRC).
A lot as been said about the Banyamulenge people’s love for their cows. Sometimes, ignorant people on the matter of cow business use this as a critic to Banyamulenge people as herdmen.But, honestly speaking, any enlightened person knows that Cows are one livestock that seems comparable to oil palm trees because of the various uses which it different parts can be put into. Nothing seems to be a waste, even their dung’s can be processed into fertilizers and used to nourish plants, not to mention biogas production.
Speaking in business language consider these facts:
1. Beef produced from the slaughtering and processing of cow are good source of protein
2.The bones and blood sold for feed millers to be processed into bone and blood meal respectively are used mainly in the poultry industry.
3. The horns and hoofs are used in the production of fertilizers and buttons while the hides and skin are further processed and used in the production of shoes, wallets, belts and watch straps amongst others.
Due to the usefulness of the component parts of a cow, different industries can be built in Mulenge, as they would be attached to the slaughtering, processing and packaging of the product and this is where the gouvernment if we had one that cared about Banyamulenge should come in and create the enabling environment to stimulate more investment in this sector because of the benefit of employment generation and increase in the gross domestic product {GDP} of the country amongst others. But, given that we cannot realistically expect the Congolese government to even think of facilitating such opportunity, I am calling on Banyamulenge business minded individuals and their foreigner business friends to step up the plate and start such profitable businesses in Mulenge.
I know,you are wondering how one would even think of that in an environment with no electricity. But, that is exactly the point. Electricity! why not turn this into another business opportunity among others! You can easily invest in micro-hydraulic plant, and make alot of Cash.
Back to cow business related opportunities. Some of the industries attached to these single livestock include the following:
a. meat processing plant,
b .operating a cold room ,
c. meat delivery vans,
d. operating a ranch,
f. operating an abattoir,
g. bone meal processing plant,
h. blood meal processing plant,
i.hide and skin processing plant and
j. horn and hoof processing plant.
Mince Meat Processing Plant:
There is a growing need for hygienically prepared and package beef product in East Africa and this is basically been fueled by the growing middle class income earners in the region. This trend is further deepen by the need for hygienically prepared and package beef by corporate consumers and used in the production of sausage rolls ,meat pies ,gala etc. Some of the corporate clients that require the product include hotels, supermarkets, fast food eateries and multi-nationals like MONUC.
Operating Cold Room Service:
Attaching a cold room to an abattoir is a very lucrative because beefs have a limited shelf live if not properly stored and storage is usually done after the slaughtering, processing and packaging of the product from where it is sold to retail consumers who usually buy bit by bit. The scope of the cold room should be dependent on the size of the market in question.
Meat Delivery Vans:
In most urban communities it is an unacceptable to sell beef in unhygienic conditions and the Mulenge investors could pioneer the use of special vans in the transportation of beefs from the Minembwe abattoir to consumers in Bukavu, Uvira, Bujumbura, and Kigali. This could create another market for savvy investors to tap into make good returns on investment.Transportation can be from Minembwe to Uvira and other closest cities.
Operating a Ranch ( ferme):
Apart from a few well established cattle ranch in the Northern Kivu ( Masisi areas) with organized management system in place, in Southern Kivu, cattle rearing are mostly done by Banyamulenge herdsmen who move from one location to another in search of water and pasture for the stock and they largely operate with less managerial ability hence get little for their effort. There exists a large opportunity for interested investors who want to invest and run a ranch in Eastern Congo. The opportunities are so great because the market for your product is guaranteed. The investor can choice to buy from the local Banyamulenge herdsmen and sell in abattoir across the region. The business can be started with a average of $10,000 and returns of $ 20,000 in less than 3 months. This is feasible.
Operating an Abattoir:
About 100 hundred cows are slaughtered in Uvira, Bujumbura, and Bukavu abattoir on a daily basis. Buyers of cow parts are readily available because cow meat is about the most common and readily available source of protein in DRC. Operators of the abattoir depending on their financial strength can decide to only provide the physical structure and only tenant to operate shops from there with their tools and pay royalties to you as agreed.
Operating a Bone and Blood Meal Processing Plant:
Another associated business venture which the investor can decide to operate is a bone/blood meal processing plant though the latter is not common in the region. Poultry business isgrowing in EastAfrica because of its short gestation and less electricity input requirements that is why it is one of the preferred investment destination.
Because more than 60 % of operating cost is expended on feeding, operating a bone and blood meal processing plant would greatly yield good returns on investment.
Hide and Skin Processing Plant:
Hides and skin is by far the less utilized bye-product of cows in the DRC because of conflicting interest. There exist a very large and growing market for hide and skin in China and other parts of the world and as far as the demands for shoes,bags,belts and other such product which makes use of leather as there raw material continues to grow , the demand for hide and skin would continue to increase.
Horn and Hoof Processing Plant:
Processing of horn and hoof in Mulenge would certainly generate lots of funds for the investor because not many companies in the region are into it. Horn and hoof can be used in the production of fertilizers,buttons and so many other products.
Should you require more information or a business plan/feasibility study on any of the businesses mentioned above, please do contact the writer.
Journal Minembwe
Lire cet article en Francais

Under the soon to be uncoverded Mulenge vision 2025, Mulenge will be erecting commercial and business buildings,in what will be the Minembwe city, sooner rather than later. Contrary to popular belief, Minembwe is on its way to be a dream city for business, and tourism. It is time to position yourself for the soon booming opportunities,first in the farming sector.
Mulenge is the first cow populated area in Southern Kivu (DRC).
A lot as been said about the Banyamulenge people’s love for their cows. Sometimes, ignorant people on the matter of cow business use this as a critic to Banyamulenge people as herdmen.But, honestly speaking, any enlightened person knows that Cows are one livestock that seems comparable to oil palm trees because of the various uses which it different parts can be put into. Nothing seems to be a waste, even their dung’s can be processed into fertilizers and used to nourish plants, not to mention biogas production.
Speaking in business language consider these facts:
1. Beef produced from the slaughtering and processing of cow are good source of protein
2.The bones and blood sold for feed millers to be processed into bone and blood meal respectively are used mainly in the poultry industry.
3. The horns and hoofs are used in the production of fertilizers and buttons while the hides and skin are further processed and used in the production of shoes, wallets, belts and watch straps amongst others.
Due to the usefulness of the component parts of a cow, different industries can be built in Mulenge, as they would be attached to the slaughtering, processing and packaging of the product and this is where the gouvernment if we had one that cared about Banyamulenge should come in and create the enabling environment to stimulate more investment in this sector because of the benefit of employment generation and increase in the gross domestic product {GDP} of the country amongst others. But, given that we cannot realistically expect the Congolese government to even think of facilitating such opportunity, I am calling on Banyamulenge business minded individuals and their foreigner business friends to step up the plate and start such profitable businesses in Mulenge.
I know,you are wondering how one would even think of that in an environment with no electricity. But, that is exactly the point. Electricity! why not turn this into another business opportunity among others! You can easily invest in micro-hydraulic plant, and make alot of Cash.
Back to cow business related opportunities. Some of the industries attached to these single livestock include the following:
a. meat processing plant,
b .operating a cold room ,
c. meat delivery vans,
d. operating a ranch,
f. operating an abattoir,
g. bone meal processing plant,
h. blood meal processing plant,
i.hide and skin processing plant and
j. horn and hoof processing plant.
Mince Meat Processing Plant:
There is a growing need for hygienically prepared and package beef product in East Africa and this is basically been fueled by the growing middle class income earners in the region. This trend is further deepen by the need for hygienically prepared and package beef by corporate consumers and used in the production of sausage rolls ,meat pies ,gala etc. Some of the corporate clients that require the product include hotels, supermarkets, fast food eateries and multi-nationals like MONUC.
Operating Cold Room Service:
Attaching a cold room to an abattoir is a very lucrative because beefs have a limited shelf live if not properly stored and storage is usually done after the slaughtering, processing and packaging of the product from where it is sold to retail consumers who usually buy bit by bit. The scope of the cold room should be dependent on the size of the market in question.
Meat Delivery Vans:
In most urban communities it is an unacceptable to sell beef in unhygienic conditions and the Mulenge investors could pioneer the use of special vans in the transportation of beefs from the Minembwe abattoir to consumers in Bukavu, Uvira, Bujumbura, and Kigali. This could create another market for savvy investors to tap into make good returns on investment.Transportation can be from Minembwe to Uvira and other closest cities.
Operating a Ranch ( ferme):
Apart from a few well established cattle ranch in the Northern Kivu ( Masisi areas) with organized management system in place, in Southern Kivu, cattle rearing are mostly done by Banyamulenge herdsmen who move from one location to another in search of water and pasture for the stock and they largely operate with less managerial ability hence get little for their effort. There exists a large opportunity for interested investors who want to invest and run a ranch in Eastern Congo. The opportunities are so great because the market for your product is guaranteed. The investor can choice to buy from the local Banyamulenge herdsmen and sell in abattoir across the region. The business can be started with a average of $10,000 and returns of $ 20,000 in less than 3 months. This is feasible.
Operating an Abattoir:
About 100 hundred cows are slaughtered in Uvira, Bujumbura, and Bukavu abattoir on a daily basis. Buyers of cow parts are readily available because cow meat is about the most common and readily available source of protein in DRC. Operators of the abattoir depending on their financial strength can decide to only provide the physical structure and only tenant to operate shops from there with their tools and pay royalties to you as agreed.
Operating a Bone and Blood Meal Processing Plant:
Another associated business venture which the investor can decide to operate is a bone/blood meal processing plant though the latter is not common in the region. Poultry business isgrowing in EastAfrica because of its short gestation and less electricity input requirements that is why it is one of the preferred investment destination.
Because more than 60 % of operating cost is expended on feeding, operating a bone and blood meal processing plant would greatly yield good returns on investment.
Hide and Skin Processing Plant:
Hides and skin is by far the less utilized bye-product of cows in the DRC because of conflicting interest. There exist a very large and growing market for hide and skin in China and other parts of the world and as far as the demands for shoes,bags,belts and other such product which makes use of leather as there raw material continues to grow , the demand for hide and skin would continue to increase.
Horn and Hoof Processing Plant:
Processing of horn and hoof in Mulenge would certainly generate lots of funds for the investor because not many companies in the region are into it. Horn and hoof can be used in the production of fertilizers,buttons and so many other products.
Should you require more information or a business plan/feasibility study on any of the businesses mentioned above, please do contact the writer.
Journal Minembwe
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