February 19th 2025 will always be remembered in Mulenge as one of the saddest and darkest day in the history of Banyamulenge people.
It's a day when a hero known as General Rukunda Michel gave his life for his people when he got shot by a cowedly drone attack, killing 6 brave young men including General Michel.
Almost 8 years ago, the government of the DRC armed tribal militia groups to attach Banyamulenge people in their villages of Mulenge, looting millions of cows, burning their villages and killing hundreds of people.
In their hour of need, the Banyamulenge found themselves with no one willing to lend a helping hand. When the Congolese extremists took power under the political leadership of the country, their first order in their political agenda was the expulsion or even extermination of Banyamulenge people out of Congo, their native land!
Do You In one morning they saw their neighbors turned against them, shooting and killing them with the help of their government simply because they are Tutsis.
Refusing to surrender to their enemies or to allow music them to chop off their heads, Banyamulenge people opted to stand up to the killers and defend themselves. Hence, Twirwaneho ( let's fight for our selves).
The mighty and strongest of this world, such as the UN ( MONUSCO, USA, EU, AU, EAC, and neighboring countries all stood by, while thousands of Banyamulenge villages were being slaughtered; millions cattles looted, thousands of women, children and men being massacred day in day out by the government supported militias, included government forces ( FARDC) for the last 8 years. No one dared not only help but also condemn it, for the simple reason that they were Banyamulenge Tutsis. Even thousands of our internally displaced refugees were not provided humanitarian relief by all the international organizations. The ambassadors of Powerful countries such as the USA and France arrived in Minembwe and saw firsthand how Banyamulenge were made like prisoners in their own land, confined in what became like à concentration camp, but to our dismay, they took left without any support and even worse they kept quiet about the fate of Banyamulenge in the DRC. All that because they did not want to upset their mineral supplier, the DRC corrupt government. They preferred taking blood minerals that saving lives of thousands Banyamulenge children, women and men.
But, thank God, God had preserved an extraordinary young might men of valor, led by none other than General Rukunda; a true hero, in all sens of the word.
Why is General Rukundo Michel called a heroe? A heroe is someone who has given his life for something bigger than oneself. Gen. Rukunda was definitely such a man. He gave his precious life for the survival and freedom of his people, the Banyamulenge. He lived as a real patriot, and died a hero.
A wise man once said:
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." That's exactly what characterized General Rukunda Michel, he supported his country and fought many wars in defence of his country, until came a tribal, corrupt and genocidal government of Tchisekedi Tchilombo. Rukundo's people became targeted by the extremist government soldiers and supported militias. It became obvious to him that that government no longer deserve his loyalty and military service. It was indeed against everything the army stood for. He chose to side with his people and resolved to fight for the people not against them. That's when he joined a group of few determined survival fighters called Twirwaneho.
How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroe General Rukunda Michel.
For the love of his people and his land, General Rukunda, Alias Makanika accepted to pay the highest price_death, and made immortal his patriotism and virtue.
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