Wednesday, July 22, 2009


In Southern Kivu of the Eastern DRCongo, the so called "Kimia II operations", a joint military operation against the Hutu extremists rebels known as FDLR is ongoing in South Kivu after its shortcomings in Northern Kivu. Will they succeed this time? May be.

The ONU lead military intervention against Rwandan Hutu rebels of the FDLR, is obviously not preventing civilians from fleeing areas under the control of FDLR. This is the case with 4 locations in the group Ihembe, Nindja Chiefdom in the territory of Kabare, where the FDLR have erected barriers at each exit.
The villagers fleeing the FDLR are charged with some kinds of taxes and fees per personnes by FDLR. As a resident came to refuel with food Ihembe. Each input and output is taxed 200 Congolese Francs. Beyond that, he says, they require some of the goods transported. Any output loads and other household goods and strictly prohibited.
The localities that are now hit the most include, but not limited to Kasimba 1 and 2, Ihogo and Kalinganya, which are under the strict control of the FDLR.

According to another resident found Ihembe, FDLR prevent civilians from leaving their communities to seek refuge elsewhere. According to one authority of Ihembe group, not only is FDLR charging civilians taxes while they flee, and abuse them, they put some of them in solitary confinement and abuse them badly. According to the same source, a few months ago, a woman had died in a cachots FDLR after having been abused.
The civil authorities are asking the authorities to speed up military operations Kimia II to liberate people from the yoke of Rwandan Hutu rebels reported Okapi.

However, this sudden shift in the Congolese civilians and authority against their long time interahamwe allies must be analysed further. May be it is the price to pay for having sided with the Hutu killers, and sympathised with these known genocidaires for far too long.
Let's face it, the DRC gvt armed and fortified FDLR openly.

In fact, there are a big number of FDLR in the DRC armed forces (FARDC) even as this "KimiaII" is underway. One does wonder who is really fighting with or against who? It is not long ago, when the Congolese public was shouting harder against the intervention of the Rwandan army against FDLR. Wgat does that mean if not the obvious alliance and sympathie for their beloved interahamwe!
May be it is now time for them (congolese and their gvt) to understand that the evil has no loyauty. Just because the Hutu extremists hate Tutsi, a shared sentiment with corrupted mindset of many congolese, does not make them less evil even towards their old allies. Now, Interahamwe FDLR, are showing the congolese civilians that with them, humanity has no meaning. They have even massacred their own children, wives, mothers simply because they either have Tutsi blood or their look. Would they have a sympathy toward the congolese civilians whose land, resources and gvt they want to control?

Just like everything else, it always take Congolese time sometimes, even long time to really get it. To really understand what common sense dictates. That is the congolity, the congo psyc.
Now that you seem to have got it, keep doing it until there is no single FDLR on Congolese soil. Or may be that is simply too much to ask for the congolese people and their government dominated by the sentiment of hatred.

Time will tell

Journal Minembwe:

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